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PICTURES: The Northern Lights shine in the skies over Moray

The skies above the Moray put on a spectacular display on Friday evening as an extreme geomagnetic storm classed as the highest G5 type hit the earth..

Michelle Cumming - Cummingston
Michelle Cumming - Cummingston

Historically storms of this scale can have potential impacts on infrastructure including satellites and the power grid but there were no reports of disruption and with clear skies sightings were posted on social media from almost everywhere in the UK, large parts of Europe and across Canada and North-America.

Michelle Cumming - Cummingston
Michelle Cumming - Cummingston

Aurora activity is expected again on Saturday but it is not as yet expected to reach the extreme of Friday.

Scott Innes - Forres
Scott Innes - Forres

Weather conditions are again expected to be fairly clear but it needs to be dark so will not be visible (if at all) till around 10.30pm and may be further overhead or to the north.

Bonnie Reid - Lossiemouth
Bonnie Reid - Lossiemouth

Readers have continued to send in their images including Michelle Cumming from Cummingston in Moray who said: “I've photographed a fair few aurora but never did I see it in a southerly direction before!!!! All the way overhead to the zenith and 360° at one point, the only way I can describe it was like being under a dome with a rainbow river being poured over the top. It was absolutely spellbinding. So pleased to see that so many people across the UK got see it, as far south as Devon and even from inner city London. But I think Moray is the best viewpoint of course.

Bonnie Reid - Lossiemouth
Bonnie Reid - Lossiemouth

Useful Links -

Aurora Watch UK - https://twitter.com/aurorawatchuk

Lancaster University Geomagnetic monitor - https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/

Met Office Space Watch - https://twitter.com/MetOfficeSpace

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