Moray residents share memories of Covid-19 lockdown
On March 24, 2020, Moray residents woke up to freshly imposed UK Government restrictions designed to stem the flow of coronavirus infections nationwide.
It would take over three years from that date for the World Health Organisation to declare that the virus was no longer constituted as a public health emergency of international concern.
We asked our readers to share their memories and experiences of lockdown five years after the measure was initially imposed.
‘We pulled together as a community’
Lossiemouth resident Carolle Ralph reflected on local communities pulling together to support one another while also paying tribute to those who lost loved ones to the virus.
She said: “We pulled together as a community and tried to look after those who were vulnerable and needed support.
“Nobody was under any illusion that it was an easy time especially for those isolated from their loved ones, poorly, in nursing homes, without carers or being unable to work.
“For kids and young people it was particularly hard.
“I am sure the repercussions of the anxiety and lack of social contact will have done lasting damage for many.
“We lost people we loved and many couldn't say goodbye. No adequate words to express the pain, guilt and regret.
“For many it was a time to rest, focus on the important things in life, re-prioritise and re-energise.
“A strange, surreal time. The best of times or the worst of times, we all have our own journey to reflect on and none will be the same.”
‘I was one of the lucky ones who found love during lockdown’
Crystal McGhin, originally from Canada, found the love of her life during lockdown.
She said: “I was one of the lucky ones who found love during lockdown.
“I lived in Canada and managed to join a worldwide podcast called the "World wellness check".
“People from all over the world called in to talk about their experiences, isolation, etc.
“I met a wonderful man who was from Scotland but working in Saudi Arabia at the time of Covid-19 lockdown.
“We soon fell in love with each other over the airways and started speaking and video chatting every day.
“Near the end of the pandemic he left his work post in Saudi to come home to Scotland.
“Soon after I joined him here as well, 2 years later we were married and now happily live in the Moray area.”
‘The strangest, oddest time of our lives’
Helen Reagan paid tribute to the resilience of young people as they tried to navigate their education through a pandemic.
She said: “My husband went to Saudi for his 6wk rotation and got stuck out there for 16 months.
“Our daughter had the strangest end to her primary school life and beginning of secondary.
“So proud of how resilient the bairns were during that period.
“The strangest, oddest time of our lives.”
‘The worst thing was missing the family’
Shelley Somer reflected on missing out spending time with her family.
She said: “The worst thing was missing the family.
“Our Daughter was a teacher and had to work and now suffers from long covid, giving her all sorts of health problems.
“Our granddaughter also because she was at university and got very ill.”
‘It was probably the most relaxed time I’ve ever had’
Having to avoid other people came as a minor blessing for some including Maisie MacPherson who enjoyed the lack of social interaction.
She said: “I was in the lucky position that I didn’t have to worry about my job and as a very antisocial person, I loved not having any pressure to go anywhere or do anything, and no one tried to hug me on my birthday.
“It was probably the most relaxed time I’ve ever had.
“The only downside was only being able to see my mum for a brief time from outside when I knew she was struggling on her own.”
‘I can honestly say I loved the slower pace of life’
Theresa Brims also decided to focus on the positive memories of lockdown.
She said: “Apart from the stress of people being so ill, the general air of fear and having to shop at 5am I can honestly say I loved the slower pace of life and feel grateful that despite everything I was able to enjoy the extra time with my kid and hubby and to live in a lovely wee place where we all left home bakes and homegrown veg etc on each others doorsteps.
“We were also lucky to have a dance teacher that kept on dancing over zoom and organising fun extras.”