£2500 fine reminder for short-term landlords in Moray
Owners and operators of short-term let properties have until October 1 to apply for a licence or face a fine of up to £2500.
Peter Bloomfield, depute chair of Moray Council’s licensing committee, is urging hosts to get their paperwork in order.
Cllr Bloomfield (Elgin South, Conservative) said: "Anyone who operates short-term let accommodation and has yet to apply, should do so now to ensure they can still welcome guests and take bookings.
"Anyone who doesn’t get a licence could be at risk of being fined up to £2500 and not be able to re-apply for a year – a situation we’re keen to avoid as much as anyone.
"We appreciate that this can feel like a daunting process but there are benefits to applying online via our e-form.
"It guides you through the application process, you don’t need to complete all information sections in one go, or in numerical order.
"Instead, you can upload your supporting documents as you work through each section and you can also pay your licence fee online."
Moray Council’s online application is now live HERE
More information can also be found on the council's website HERE